12:00pm Registration Opens in the Dickerson Lobby
1:30-3:00pm Alumni Row
Rowing guests may check in at 11:00am and will receive separate communication.
5:00-6:30pm 100 Years of Rowing Reception
All welcome. Registration required.
7:00pm Class Dinners
Class dinner locations will be assigned closer to the event based on the number of registrants per cluster Reunion. Please pay at the restaurant.
7:30-10:00 Breakfast in the Dining Hall
8:00am-4:00pm Registration for guests not already on site in the Dickinson Lobby
10:00am Guest Speaker: The Honorable Marie Yovanovitch '76, U.S. Ambassador (ret.)
with book signing to follow at the Mattison Auditorium
12:00-2:00pm Food truck and lawn games festival at Phillips Field
1:30-3:00pm Athletic Hall of Fame Introductory Ceremony at the Mattison Auditorium
5:00-6:30pm Cocktail reception and Class photos Outside of the Indoor Tennis Facility
7:00-10:30pm Dinner-Dance Celebration Inside of the Indoor Tennis Facility
7:30-9:30am Continental Breakfast in the Dining Hall
9:00am Check-Out for the Marvelwood Campus
9:30am Dorm Check-Out for the Kent Campus
9:30 Memorial Eucharist at St. Joseph's Chapel
10:30-12:00 Farewell Brunch in the Dining Hall